The program is particularly interested in projects that will positively impact smaller cities, both rural and suburban.
Any public (except the State of Missouri) or private entity can be eligible for loans to pay for the cleanup of brownfields properties.
Sub-grants are limited to political subdivisions and non-profit corporations.
Eligible properties are those that meet the definition of a brownfield in the Brownfields Law — as long as there is a suspicion of environmental contamination and the site is underutilized, it can be considered a brownfield.
Under federal law, parties liable for contamination under Section 107 of CERCLA may not receive funding under this program.
In addition, properties falling under certain exclusions of the brownfield definition are ineligible.
EIERA staff will use the most recent version of EPA’s Proposal Guidelines for Brownfields Assessment, RLF, and Cleanup Grants to determine applicant and property eligibility under CERCLA.
Information from the application, state and federal databases and records will be used to confirm eligibility.
In some circumstances, staff may need to confer with EPA to make a final eligibility determination.